
Past Events

Smart Infrastructure for Jaipur – 16 April 2015

To support the state of Rajasthan particularly Jaipur, to progress on the Smart City Initiative, Amcham Infrastructure Consortium organised a half day round table program on “Smart Infrastructure for Jaipur” on April 16. The half day program was held in association with Urban Development & Housing Department, Government of Rajasthan at the City Town Planning Office, Jaipur.


The Government-to-business roundtable was an interactive session which invited participation of all relevant stakeholder departments viz. Jaipur Development Authority (JDA), Jaipur Metro, Jaipur Nagar Nigam, Jaipur Vidyut Vitran Nigam, Municipal Corporation, & Local Bodies, JCTSL, PHED etc from the Government of Rajasthan, and about twenty leading US companies engaged in areas of smart mobility, smart energy, water & waste management, digital solution providers & system integrators for integrating & developing public services, e-governance, urban planning and others attended. The event focused on mapping smart solutions and technology interventions provided by the US private sector through its offerings, products & services and matching these with the key priority needs and challenges as presented by the Government officials in the key infrastructure development areas in Jaipur. Additional Chief Secretary, Govt. of Rajasthan, Mr. Ashok Jain, chaired the program proceedings. The US Government was represented by Minister Counsellor, John McCaslin and North India Coordination Head (Public Affairs), John Kessler.