Representation on behalf of SEZ operations for Parexel

AMCHAM recognises and applauds the appreciation of the Ministry in this context given the wrought the pandemic has brought upon the economic health of the country, and the all round efforts being made to rekindle the growth rate that existed prior to it. While the present permission holds good till the end of 2022, there are a few concerns and challenges that AMCHAM members functioning out of SEZs have flagged. We are of the concerted opinion that the anticipated upcoming challenges with respect to SEZ’s in India merit discussion and addressal in the larger interests of Industry, their operations as well as that of business continuity. Industry has also raised concerns that while most units are keen to continue in their current premises and are hopeful that the SEZ can remain flexible to the extent possible in appreciation of business and employee issues, it would be rather telling on the industry to have to consider people over SEZ facilities.