Past Events
Northern Region Council Executive Committee Meeting – 19th May 2017
The first meeting of AMCHAM’s Northern Region Council Executive Committee for the year 2017-18 was held on 19th May 2017, under the chairmanship of Mr. Varun Khanna, Managing Director, BD India, with Mr. Subrata Bagchi, Senior Managing Director, Protiviti India Member Private Limited, as Vice Chairman, in Gurgaon.
It was decided that the Northern Region Council would focus on the states of Punjab, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh. Members will share best practices in healthcare, innovation, R&D and GST. The Northern Region Council will organize a program on GST titled “GST – Beyond Tax.” This would be held some time towards the end of July. The NRC will discuss issues relating to ease of doing business including RFPs and procurement.