Past Events
Meeting with Ms. Jennifer Bachus, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy, U.S. Department of State – 27 October 2022
AMCHAM participated in a meeting called by Ms. Jennifer Bachus, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy, U.S. Department of State, on October 27th in New Delhi. Other dignitaries from the Embassy included Mr. Philip Cummings, Deputy Minister Counselor for Economic, Environment, and Science and Technology, U.S. Embassy and Mr. Aamod Omprakash, Cyber and Digital Policy Officer, U.S. Embassy. The discussions revolved around the opportunities and concerns related to the draft Telecommunication Bill 2022, CERT-In Directives 2022, PDPB, etc. Recent developments in the telecom sector, localization of data, cross-border data issues, issues with TEVC, OTT platform concerns, data privacy, hardware certification issues and harmonization of standards were also discussed. The meeting was convened alongside the U.S. India Open RAN Road Show (organized by the Embassy).