
Past Events

Medical Devices Committee Meeting and Interactive Session with Mr. Jonathan Heimer, Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs, U.S. Embassy – 07 November 2022

The first interactive session for Mr. Jonathan Heimer, Honorary National Executive Board Member, AMCHAM and Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs, U.S. Embassy with AMCHAM’s Medical Devices Committee was held under the chairmanship of Mr. Manoj Madhavan, Chairman – Medical Devices Committee and Managing Director, Boston Scientific held on November 7th at the Boston Scientific office in Gurugram in a hybrid fashion. Approximately 25 members participated in the session. Some of the priority issues highlighted and deliberated upon included challenges pertaining to Public Procurement Order (Restricted Market Access), Trade Margin Rationalization (Predictable Pricing Policies), value based procurement for devices, ease of doing business, technical barriers to trade, legal metrology, QCO – CRO (Quality Control order – Compulsory Registration Order), harmonized standards vs. local standards and UCMDMP. Engagements with neighboring countries and states engagements with were also discussed. It was suggested to share 4 – 5 top priority issues and challenges with recommendations with the Embassy in order to seek support for policy intervention.