

Ms. Elizabeth Jose 

Photo Gallery


Mr. Gaurav Ajmani Associate General Counsel, Business Conduct & Ethics
Amazon Seller Services (P) Ltd.


Ms. Bhawna A. Ranganadhan
Deputy General Counsel, Legal and Compliance


Ms. Komple Sharma

Medical Devices Committee

AMCHAM has been working towards highlighting the critical role of the medical device industry in the healthcare scenario and working on the policy framework with the government for creating and improving the ecosystem for medical devices in delivery of world-class treatment, preventive medicare and diagnostics. The working group aims to foster a partnership with government and trade bodies and promote policies that ensure sustainable access to the latest, highest quality medical technologies by healthcare professionals and their patients in India.

Medical technology advances in the last few decades have not only changed the practice of medicine, but have also saved lives, increased access to care and improved quality of life. Life expectancy has boosted manifold across the world owing to advances in medical technology. Consistently, scientists made major advances in our understanding of the genetic code and transfer RNA and setting the stage for the exciting fields of genomics, epigenomics and bioengineering.

A voluntary code and this uploading is being done at the behest of the Government of India and its provisions are currently being discussed with the Government of India.