
Past Events

Karnataka Chapter CEO Breakfast Session on ‘Artificial Intelligence as an Enabler for Digital Transformation’ – 9th July 2019

AMCHAM’s Karnataka Chapter hosted the 4th edition of the monthly CEO breakfast morning on July 9th, 2019 which featured Dr. Jai Ganesh, Senior VP & Head of Next Labs, Mphasis, who spoke to the audience about artificial intelligence (AI) as one of the major pillars on which enterprise digital transformations were being built. By turning nearly every aspect of inferencing and decision making, AI is revolutionizing the competitive differentiation of enterprises. Dr. Ganesh spoke about how it can enhance customer experience, reduce operational bottlenecks and risks, enhance data analytics and drive revenue growth. The event was well attended with representation from companies like UST Global, 3M, Saggezza, MOOG, Ernst & Young, CBRE and others.