
Past Events

Interpreting DoJ’s Guidelines on Evaluating Corporate Compliance Programs – 17th July 2020

AMCHAM’s Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance Committee organized a webinar on Interpreting DoJ’s Guidelines on Evaluating Corporate Compliance Programs on July 17th. Mr. Sumit Makhija, Partner – Forensic Financial Advisory, India, Deloitte was the expert speaker. Mr. Gaurav Ajmani, Chairman – Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance Committee, AMCHAM and Associate General Counsel: Business Conduct & Ethics, Amazon Seller Services (P) Ltd. welcomed participants. The webinar focused on the interpretation of the U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) guidelines to help organizations improve their compliance programs and plug gaps, if any.

Mr. Makhija gave an overview of the guidance note issued by the DoJ, interpretation of the revised guidance and what it would mean for companies. He discussed practices to ascertain the strength of current compliance programs with the guidance and also interacted with participants. The webinar concluded with a vote of thanks by Ms. Bhawna A. Ranganadhan, Co- Chairperson – Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance Committee, AMCHAM and Vice President, Legal and Compliance, Genpact. Around 50 participants attended the webinar.