
Past Events

HR Committee Meeting– 23 january 2017

The fourth meeting of the HR Committee was held on 23rd January 2017 in New Delhi under the leadership of Mr. D.P. Singh, Chairman – HR Committee and VP – HR (India/South Asia), IBM India and Mr. Sameer Mathur, Co-Chair and Senior VP – HR, Citibank India. The committee deliberated on possible topics of interest and events for the next quarter. Mr. Sameer Mathur presented the HR charters for the sub-committees and possible events for 2017.

Mr. Sarthak Raychauduri, Whirlpool, spoke about “Future of Work.” He focused on various practices that are currently being adopted by organizations related to future work practices. He urged the committee to think about the changes that will occur in the years to come. He contemplated on how the interaction, communication and the impact on processes will change in the coming years. He proposed that the perspective of millennials should be taken in consideration as they represent the future. It was thereby finalized by the committee to have a paper competition on the “Future of Work.”

A presentation on ‘Understanding Millennial’ was given by Ms. Kristina Deighan, Citibank, which highlighted the generational differences and values of millennials. She explained the biggest shift in India’s workforce is represented by millennials and how it is important to understand their values, preferences and mobility for human resource departments.

Ms. Kavita Mathur, Grant Thornton, also gave a presentation on ‘Employee Frauds’ elucidating on how fraud is attempted in India. She also suggested a few measures for companies to prepare themselves to handle such situations. She advised that a repository should be created of all identified frauds, their source of occurrence, detection/prevention method as prevalent in organizations. She also discussed what types of fraud typically happen in organizations.