
Past Events

Harnessing Diversity & Inclusion in association with Ernst & Young – 30 October 2020

AMCHAM’s Hyderabad Chapter, in association with Ernst & Young, organized a session on ‘Harnessing Diversity & Inclusion’ on October 30th. The session kicked off with Mr. Prakash Bodla, Chairman – Hyderabad Chapter, AMCHAM, welcoming the participants. Ms. Alpana Dutta, Partner, India & EMEIA Solution Leader – Culture Leadership, EY, enlightened participants on what has changed, remained constant and emerged in the current scenario. The keynote speaker, Ms. Jaya Virwani, Head of Ethics Office & Diversity & Inclusion Strategy for EY Global Delivery Services, not only debunked some common myths regarding D&I but also highlighted the initiatives her firm has taken and its positive impact.

The highlight of the session was the diverse panel discussion with multi-faceted speakers from industry touching upon different D&I themes. Mr. Tanay Kediyal, EVP & Head of Consumer Small Business Banking (IN & PH), Wells Fargo, shared his company’s veteran program while Ms. Latha Nair, HR Director South Asia, DuPont, highlighted how D&I needs changes from a equality perspective. Ms. Jyotsna Kumar, Global Head – Central Operation CX Tools & Quality, Google, touched upon the D&I strategy that is future ready and aligned with business whereas Ms. Roopa Basrur, Co-Lead PAREXEL India D&I Committee, narrated how their firm built a case for change. The session concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr. Jayesh Sanghvi, Vice Chairman – Hyderabad Chapter, AMCHAM and Managing Partner, EY. Even though the session was virtual, it remained interactive with live polls and questions from participants.