
Past Events

CSR Committee Meeting – 20th August 2019

AMCHAM’s CSR Committee meeting met under the leadership of Mr. Harish Krishnan, Chairman – CSR Committee, AMCHAM and Managing Director, Public Affairs & Strategic Engagements, Cisco India & SAARC, Cisco Systems (India) Pvt. Ltd., Ms. Sangita Ghalay, Co-Chairperson – CSR Committee, AMCHAM and Head – CSR, Honeywell India and Ms. Kshitija Krishnaswamy, Co-Chairperson – CSR Committee, AMCHAM and Director, Corporate Citizenship, Accenture India, on August 20th in Gurugram at the Cisco office. The committee discussed planning for the full day CSR event and how to leverage the Self4Society platform. It was decided to conduct CSR best practice sharing project site visits this year and begin with a Honeywell project in east Delhi. Ongoing collaboration with USAID on the TB Pledge and health initiatives was also discussed.

Mr. Jay Badola, Partner, Dua Associates and Mr. Akash Nath, Partner, Dua Associates, prepared a note on the implications for corporates regarding CSR in the Companies (Amendment) Bill 2019 and were available for Q&A. Mr. Amit Kumar, Director, Chief Minister’s Good Governance Associates (CMGGA) gave a presentation on the program, a unique collaboration of Ashoka University with the Government of Haryana to train youth to become leaders in the social sector and bring about social change. Mr. Amit Khatri, Deputy Commissioner, Gurugram, addressed participants and echoed the importance and success of the CMGGA program in Haryana. He listened to members elaborate on their CSR work in Gurugram and talked about the initiatives underway. He encouraged everyone to visit the Haryana CSR portal.

More than 25 companies attended the meeting along with Dr. Preetha Rajaraman, Health Attache, U.S. Embassy, Ms. Cynthia Gire, Program and Policy Advisor, Health Office, USAID and Mr. Arvind Kumar, Strategic Partnerships, USAID.