
Past Events

Breakfast Session on ‘Doing Business in India’ with Consul General Robert G. Burgess and Mr. Manoj Desai, Principal Commercial Officer, U.S. Consulate General Chennai – 27th June 2019

AMCHAM’s Karnataka Chapter hosted a closed door interaction for members with Consul General Robert G. Burgess, U.S. Consulate, Chennai and Mr. Manoj Desai, Counselor for Commercial Affairs, U.S. Consulate Chennai on June 27th. The event was focused on meeting with American companies doing business in Karnataka and understanding how the Consulate and Commercial Services could help U.S. companies succeed. The event was attended by companies like 3M, Goldman Sachs, Saggezza, Inteva Products, Johnson Controls, Enphase Energy, Ernst & Young, Swagelok and Hewlett Packard, among others.