
Past Events

AMCHAM SCL Core Committee Meeting/Call – 26th November 2015

The Core Committee meeting (concall) of the Amcham Supply Chain & Logistics Committee’s discussion included updates and ideas for the forthcoming SCL Committee event on 16th December 2015 in Mumbai. The event will focus on three key topics: 1. SCM competencies 2. Industrial and logistics services 3. Best practices in SCM at E.I. DuPont. Industry experts will join as speakers from Becton Dickinson, CBRE and DuPont will all be sharing the platform on the occasion.

It was decided to undertake a short survey with committee members to receive feedback on the activities organized in 2015 and set the tone for the year 2016. The meeting concluded post active brainstorming and idea assimilation. Members were thanked for support and valuable inputs.