Suggestions to boost efficiency and increase employment in logistics and warehousing in the State of Delhi

The logistics and warehousing sector maintains robust connectivity between manufacturers of products and their consumers, which is essential for any economy to prosper. The sector directly employs over 2.2 crore people in India, and continues to grow at a rapid rate. The sector is crucial in ensuring a steady supply of goods to shopping centres and commercial areas in the city. However, there are currently deep inefficiencies in India’s warehousing and logistics sector. India’s logistics costs are estimated to comprise 13-14% of its GDP, comparing poorly with developed countries, where logistics costs comprise 7-8% of the GDP.
Suggestions :
Permitting women to work in the night shift
Permitting shops and establishments to stay open 24×7 in Delhi Area
Amending of Section 14 of the Delhi S&E Act in order to permit women to work in establishments at night.
Request for consideration that commercial establishments, particularly those involved in logistics and warehousing, be exempted from the requirements of Sections 15 and 16