Past Events
Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance Committee Meeting – 07 July 2022
The Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance Committee organized a hybrid committee meeting at the Amazon office in New Delhi on July 7th. Ms. Komple Sharma, Director, AMCHAM, welcomed participants. Mr. Gaurav Ajmani, Chairman – Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance Committee, AMCHAM and Associate General Counsel: Business Conduct & Ethics, Amazon Seller Services (P) Ltd. recapitulated the committee’s activities of 2021-22. Thereafter committee members shared their experiences of running compliance and ethics campaigns in a post COVID space. They also discussed their respective training programs, challenges faced due to pandemic, ways to minimize these challenges, innovative techniques implemented and essentials of an effective training program. Members brainstormed on various possible future topics for discussion under the ambit of the committee.