
Past Events

Meeting with Mr. Rajnath Ram, Adviser (Energy), NITI Aayog on Sustainable Aviation Fuel – 03 August 2022

AMCHAM organized a meeting with Mr. Rajnath Ram, Adviser (Energy), NITI Aayog and his team on August 3rd to discuss support mechanisms for launching sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production in India. SAF production is seen as a multi-billion-dollar opportunity with a tremendous global leadership potential for India and for its energy security and decarbonization objectives. The interactive session with NITI was led by Dr. Amit Paithankar, Chairman – Energy Committee, AMCHAM and Vice President – Advance Design Center & Managing Director, South Asia, Emerson India, with active participation from AMCHAM members – LanzaTech, Boeing and Honeywell UOP. The discussion explored policy support in areas of sustainable supply of feedstock, investment support or appropriate viability gap funding for production plants, blending mandates, tax incentives, assured long term offtake, technology neutral policies that incentivize innovation particularly for waste-based feedstock, etc. The group felt that a comprehensive and tapering policy support mechanism which provided incentives and mandates was essential to establishing SAF production. It was also suggested to consider the expansion and adaptation of the national bio-fuel policy to include SAF. AMCHAM agreed to have follow-up meetings with NITI.