
Past Events

Eastern Region Executive Committee Meeting – 22 September 2023

AMCHAM’s Eastern Region Executive Committee held the third meeting of the year on September 22nd in Kolkata under the leadership of Mr. Atanu Mukherjee, Chairman – Eastern Region, AMCHAM. The meeting opened with ratifying the minutes of 2nd Eastern Region Executive Committee meeting held on July 31st, 2023. The meeting objective was to finalize the focus area for the annual session planned on November 20th. The suggested theme of the session would be India’s vision of achieving a $5 trillion economy. Speakers would talk about the outcome of the recently held G20 Summit and major focus of U.S.-India collaboration. Speakers would also delve into how to reduce the regional imbalances, keeping in mind the focus on the economic development of North Eastern states. AMCHAM would work on the concept note and identify prospective speakers. Members also showed their concern about the visibility of the chamber in the region. Several recommendations come up including a friendly golf tournament involving senior bureaucrats, officials from the U.S. Consulate and other important people in the city. Increasing AMCHAM membership for the region was highlighted. The meeting concluded with thanks to the Chair.