
Past Events

Welcome Meeting with Ms. Jennifer Larson, Consul General, U.S. Consulate General Hyderabad – 28 October 2022

AMCHAM’s Hyderabad Chapter hosted a welcome meeting for Ms. Jennifer Larson, Consul General, U.S. Consulate General Hyderabad on October 28th in Hyderabad. Mr. Prakash Bodla, Chairman – Hyderabad Chapter, AMCHAM and MD, Carrier Technologies welcomed participants. The leaders present gave brief introductions of themselves, their companies and what they do. Consul General Larson shared about the upcoming opening of the new Consulate in early 2023, their support of U.S. industry and touched briefly on visas. There was also a discussion on how the Consulate could work with AMCHAM on D&I initiatives. Mr. Jayesh Sanghvi, Vice Chairman – Hyderabad Chapter, AMCHAM and Partner, EY gave a vote of thanks.