
Past Events

AMCHAM – ORF Roundtable on U.S.-India Defense Cooperation – 16th October 2019

AMCHAM and ORF jointly organized a roundtable on U.S.-India defense cooperation. The aim of the interaction was candid sharing of information and thoughts amongst officials from the Indian government, U.S. government, representatives of the armed forces, AMCHAM members and academia. The discussion focused on the upcoming dialogue at the next Defense Trade and Technology Initiative (DTTI) meeting to be held in the coming week. Roundtable participants discussed the bilateral defence trade relationship and deliberated how more opportunities for co-production and co-development of defence equipment could be created.

Mr. Sanjay Jaju, Joint Secretary (DIP), Ministry of Defence, Government of India, RDML Eileen H. Laubacher, Defense Attaché, U.S. Embassy, CAPT Daniel E. Fillion, Chief, Office of Defense Cooperation, U.S. Embassy, AVM Vikram Singh, Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Projects, Maj Gen A. K. Channan, ADG Army Design Bureau, Rear Admiral Sanjay Vatsayan, ACNS Perspective Planning, members of the National Security Council Secretariat and U.S. defense industry participants were present in the deliberations. Mr. Phil Shaw, Chairman, AMCHAM and Mr. Michael Koch, Chairman – Defense Committee, AMCHAM and Vice President, Boeing Defense, Space and Security, made remarks on behalf of the U.S. defense industry and highlighted the OEM perspective recommending win-win proposals for the overall success of DTTI for both government and industry. Mr. Sunjoy Joshi, Chairman, ORF, initiated the discussions by briefly outlining the U.S.-India defense relationship and Dr. Raji Rajagopalan, Distinguished Fellow, ORF, moderated the discussions.