
Past Events

Industry Briefing Post U.S.- India ICT Dialogue – 30th October 2019

A briefing with AMCHAM members post the U.S.- India ICT Dialogue (held on October 1st) was organized on October 30th at the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi with Mr. Rob Garverick, Honorary USG Co-Chair ICT and Cyber Security Committees, AMCHAM and Minister Counselor for Economic Affairs and Environment, Science and Technology, U.S. Embassy. Mr. Som Satsangi, Chairman – ICT Committee, AMCHAM and Mr. Deepak Maheshwari, Chairman – Cyber Security Committee, AMCHAM, were present.


Mr. Rob Garverick provided inputs from the G2G meeting between the U.S. and Indian government and mentioned thematic areas such as cyber security, implementation of the Cloud Act and MLATs. For ICT, issues such as data localization were discussed, the committee thereby suggested to reach out to the standing committee of Data Privacy and suggest to meet the industry representatives for their inputs. Other topics such as 5G, capacity building initiatives, H1B visas, implementation of AI and IoT in India, were discussed. Mr. Garverick also mentioned that the Indian government would promote local R&D to promote innovation and development in India, such as creation of domestic AI centres. Mr. Som Satsangi raised the point of IP in India and it was decided that the issue would be raised during the committee meeting and the U.S. government would take it up during their G2G meetings. Mr. Deepak Maheshwari spoke of India’s stand at the UNGGE and other international forums for cyber security.