
Past Events

Meeting with Dr. C. Muralikrishna Kumar, Sr. Adviser (CIT and I), NITI Aayog – 23rd August 2017

Ms. Ranjana Khanna, Director General CEO, AMCHAM India, called on Dr. C. Muralikrishna Kumar, Sr. Adviser (CIT and I), NITI Aayog, on August 23rd, 2017. An interaction was held to discuss possible engagement of AMCHAM India in the forthcoming GES. He indicated that the participation from the U.S. was driven by the State Department and they were looking for sponsorships including hosting a dinner on November 29th for upto 3,000 people in Hyderabad. Sessions on women empowerment, agriculture and food processing, artificial intelligence, were possible themes for consideration. AMCHAM has begun working with the U.S. Embassy to firm up its participation.