
Past Events

Eastern Region Executive Committee Interaction with Mr. Thomas Hilleary, Economic Unit Chief, Office of India Affairs, U.S. Department of State – 21st September 2017

AMCHAM’s Eastern Region hosted a roundtable discussion with visiting U.S. government official Mr. Tom Hilleary on September 21st, 2017. Mr. Hilleary, Economic Unit Chief, Office of India Affairs, U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C., is responsible for the State Department’s efforts on a full range of U.S. – India economic, environment, science and technology, and health cooperation. Mr. Debdas Sen, Chairman – Eastern Region, AMCHAM, welcomed Mr. Hilleary on his first visit to Kolkata. Prior to his arrival in Kolkata, Mr. Hilleary was in New Delhi to participate in bilateral discussions related to the upcoming U.S.-India Trade Policy Forum. He briefly presented the view from Washington on U.S. – India trade and investment relations. AMCHAM members briefed him on the presence of American companies in the region and the opportunities and challenges of doing business in West Bengal and eastern India, touching on issues like availability of land, labor challenges, and the general investment climate in the region. Members also discussed challenges related to IPR protection for software products in the United States and the FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) requirements for American expatriates.