
Past Events

Meeting with Mr. Apurva Chandra, Additional Secretary Defence Production, Ministry of Defence – 15th November 2017

AMCHAM met the Additional Secretary Defence Production, Mr. Apurva Chandra on 15th November 2017 at the Ministry of Defence. Mr. Phil Shaw, Chairman – Defense Committee, AMCHAM and Chief Executive, Lockheed Martin India, Mr. Michael Koch, Co-Chairman – Defense Committee, AMCHAM and Vice President – South Asia, International Business Development, Boeing and Mr. Gaurav Mendiratta, Co-Chairman – Defense Committee, AMCHAM and Partner, International Tax and Regulatory Services, India, KPMG along with Ms. Ranjana Khanna, Director General CEO, AMCHAM were present with a few other members of the Defense Committee.

Members proposed ideas to help to increase in the ease of doing business in India. It was recommended that the MoD should relook at the standard contract to facilitate easy implementation and introduce a web enabled platform for effective monitoring of the offset management and implementation of time bound audit process.