
Past Events

AmCham’s Meeting with Justice A.P. Shah Committee – 30 June 2015

AmCham was invited for a hearing on MAT issues by the Committee on Direct Taxes headed by Justice A.P. Shah on 30th June 2015. AmCham was represented by Mr. Young Lee, Executive Director, Morgan Stanley | Finance; Mr. Anjani Sharma, Partner, B S R & Co. LLP; Mr. Keyur Shah, Partner, E&Y; and Ms. Madhvi Kataria, Deputy Executive Director, AmCham.
AmCham representatives highlighted the adverse impact of levy of MAT on FIIs and how FIIs were treated worldwide. The impact this move had on foreign investment was also discussed. A note on MAT was presented to the Committee. A power point presentation was also submitted highlighting the main issues relating to MAT. These can be viewed on AmCham’s website under “Advocacy: Communication to Government”..