
Past Events

Whistle-blowers: Love Them or Hate Them, But You Still Need Them – 5 April 2022

AMCHAM’s Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance Committee organized a session on ‘Whistle-blowers: Love Them or Hate Them, But You Still Need Them’ on April 5th. Ms. Ranjana Khanna, Director General CEO, AMCHAM welcomed speakers and participants and spoke about the importance of whistleblowing in an effective corporate governance policy. Mr. Gaurav Ajmani, Chairman – Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance Committee, AMCHAM and Associate General Counsel, Business Conduct & Ethics, Amazon Seller Services, in his opening remarks, gave an overview of the global whistleblowing scenario. Mr. Jagdeep Singh, Partner, Forensics, EY India gave a comprehensive presentation on global trend analysis on whistle-blowers. The presentation covered pertinent points of revenue loss towards frauds and abuses, channels used by whistle-blowers, types of complaints, challenges faced, disciplinary action taken and critical success factors for a whistleblowing mechanism. It was followed by an industry panel discussion. The panelists were Ms. Kelly Geer, Managing Director, Legal Compliance, FedEx Express AMEA, Ms. Manu Bal, Head of Legal and Compliance, Beam Global Spirits & Wine (I) Pvt. Ltd., Dr. Akhil Prasad, Legal Counsel, Boeing India and moderated by Mr. Anuranjan Prasad, Associate General Counsel, Baxter (India) Pvt. Ltd. The panel deliberated upon the evolution of whistle-blower law across the world and India and how it has impacted the evolution of policy in organizations, rationale behind raising concerns, company’s priorities in framing policies, communication channels for complaints, role of technology, dealing anonymous complaints and investigative processes, amongst others. Ms. Bhawna A. Ranganadhan, Co-Chairperson – Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance Committee, AMCHAM and Associate General Counsel, Legal and Compliance, Genpact, gave concluding remarks.