
Past Events

Welcome Virtual Interactive Session with U.S. Consul General Melinda Pavek – 05 October 2021

AMCHAM’s Eastern Region hosted a virtual interactive session with the U.S. Consul General to Kolkata Ms. Melinda Pavek on October 5th. Ms. Pavek shared her personal journey and, in her remarks, said: “Thank you to all the members of AMCHAM for working to grow our bilateral trade and investment relationship. I want to introduce myself, so you have a sense of who you are working with for the next three years. The events of 9/11 had a profound impact on my life and professional path. I was a business school student, just starting the MBA program at the University of Minnesota, studying operations, supply chain, and strategy. The attacks brought a recognition that diplomacy is critically important. I am an MBA who was inspired to build a career in public service.

On September 24th, President Biden and Prime Minister Modi met in-person for the first time and committed to building a strategic partnership and working together with regional groupings, like ASEAN and the Quad, to promote shared interests in the Indo-Pacific region and beyond. President Biden also hosted Prime Minister Modi, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Japanese Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide at the White House for the first-ever in-person Leaders’ Summit of the Quad. The leaders put forth ambitious initiatives that deepen our ties and advance practical cooperation on 21st-century challenges which include ending the COVID-19 pandemic, increasing production and access to safe and effective vaccines; promoting high-standards for infrastructure; combatting the climate crisis; partnering on emerging technologies, space, and cybersecurity; and cultivating next-generation talent in all our countries.

I am thrilled to be here, and to have the chance to collaborate with AMCHAM in areas that will actualize the visions and programs put forth in these meetings. Democratic governments help create an environment for achieving these kinds of successes, and rely on the creativity, hard work, and motivation of individuals, civil society institutions, businesses, and business organizations, like yours, to bring the right talent of people together with the right financial and organizational resources needed to solve the local, national, and global problems of today and tomorrow.”

During the interactive session members were invited to introduce themselves and give her a briefing on the organizations that they represent. Ms. Amada Kidwai, Regional Director – Eastern Region, AMCHAM did the introductions, Mr. Gulshan Sachdev, Chairman – Eastern Region, AMCHAM and Managing Director Quaker Houghton and Mr. Joydeep Datta Gupta, Vice Chairman – Eastern Region gave the concluding remarks and vote of thanks.