
Past Events

U.S. Tax Filing Seminar with Experts from H&R Block– 22 March 2022

The American League of AMCHAM organized an interactive and engaging session on ‘U.S. Tax Filings – What You Need to Know’ on March 22nd. The session was virtually held on Webex and organized to help U.S. citizens residing in India to understand the nuances of tax filings and understand basic income tax provisions for Americans working in India with sources of income in, and outside of India. The session covered U.S. tax return updates for 2021, bringing non-filing expats into current IRS compliance, informative returns, foreign corporations, foreign mutual funds and expat specific issues.

Ambassador Donald L. Heflin, Minister Counselor Consular Affairs, U.S. Embassy gave opening remarks and Ms. Kelly Landry, American Citizens Services Chief, U.S. Embassy spoke to the audience about tax related Consulate services. The speakers from H&R Block included Mr. Mitilesh Gaglani, Associate Manager – Expat Tax, Mr. Amit Patil, Team Lead – Expat Tax, Mr. Aditya Boppudi, Sr. Reviewer – Expat Tax and Mr. Bhargava Repalli, Sr. Reviewer – Expat Tax. Ms. Payal Satish, Regional Director – Karnataka Chapter, AMCHAM introduced the speakers and moderated the session. The session was very well received with over 300 participants.