
Past Events

U.S. Embassy Briefing Session on Secretary Pompeo’s Visit – 10th July 2019

On July 10th, Mr. Rob Garverick, Minister Counselor, Economic, Environment, Science and Technology Affairs, U.S. Embassy, briefed AMCHAM members on Secretary of State Pompeo’s recent trip to India and his meeting with Dr. Jaishanker, Minister of External Affairs. Mr. Garverick also shared details of key topics of the interaction between Prime Minister Modi and President Trump at the G20 Summit, Osaka.

The key topics that were addressed during the G2G discussions included: cyber security opportunities and threats, trade issues across sectors, digital issues, market surveillance, sanctions, data localization and cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region. During the bi-lateral and tri-lateral in Osaka, Prime Minster Modi and President Trump discussed issues concerning 5G and Iran.

Members raised concerns and asked for inputs on the following topics: ICT tariff on line items (specifically routers and categories of GPUs), 301 report on IPR, ‘Data Free Flow With Trust’ initiative, electric vehicles and the decrease of FDI in the pharma sector. Upcoming USG visits and other dialogues scheduled for the near future were shared with members.