
Past Events

Meeting with Mr. Rajesh Agarwal, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, Government of India – 5 June 2023

India’s fast-growing economy aims to be a top three global powerhouse soon and AMCHAM strives to facilitate discussions on challenges and resilient economic strategies for both India and the U.S. Mr. Piyush Goyal, Minister for Commerce and Industry, Government of India, virtually participated in the second Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) Ministerial Meeting hosted by the U.S. in Detroit in May 2023 which focused on the IPEF’s supply chain pillar as a key area of engagement between the U.S. and India. As a quick response meeting, on June 5th, AMCHAM held a discussion with Mr. Rajesh Agarwal, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Commerce, Government of India, who was keen to ensure that industry is well-informed and prepared for the implementation of IPEF Pillar II. AMCHAM would follow up this meeting with an industry webinar later in June.