
Past Events

Medical Devices Committee Meeting – 29 August 2022

The first meeting of the AMCHAM’s Medical Devices Committee was held virtually on August 29th under the Chairmanship of Mr. Manoj Madhavan, Chairman – Medical Devices Committee, AMCHAM and Managing Director, Boston Scientific and Ms. Meenakshi Nevatia, Co-Chairperson – Medical Device Committee, AMCHAM and Managing Director, Stryker. Senior policy and regulatory technical leads as well as healthcare experts from almost 30 members participated the committee meeting. The committee discussed that going forward, all the committee’s activities and initiatives would focus on access to innovation and ease of doing business. Some of the priority issues highlighted and discussed included PPO, TMR, UCPMDMP, FTM, NMDPC meeting, etc. The committee would be actively engaged with state government engagements, in addition to the policy advocacy. It was also decided to lead a delegation to Bangladesh.