
Past Events

Medical Devices Committee Meeting – 30 September 2021

AMCHAM’s Medical Devices committee meeting was held on September 30th virtually under the chairmanship of Ms. Aileen Nandi, Honorary USG Chairperson – Medical Devices Committee, AMHCAM and Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs, U.S. Embassy, along with Ms. Meenakshi Nevatia, Chairperson – Medical Devices Committee, AMCHAM and Managing Director, Stryker India and Mr. Manoj Madhavan, Co-Chairman – Medical Devices Committee, AMCHAM and Managing Director, Boston Scientific.

During the meeting members had an interaction with Ms. Aileen Nandi and Dr. Preetha Rajaraman, Health Attaché, U.S. Embassy gave an update on the U.S.-India Health Dialogue. Discussion was based on updates on the status of price control on stent and knee, NLEMD/TMR discussion, PPO and details about the regulatory roundtable organized by the Department of Pharmaceuticals under the Ministry of Chemicals & Fertilizers. The meeting concluded with closing remarks by Mr. Manoj Madhavan who thanked members for their valuable inputs.