
Past Events

Manufacturing Committee Meeting – 21 July 2022

AMCHAM’s Manufacturing Committee held a meeting on July 21st over Webex. Mr. Sanjay Koul, Chairman – Manufacturing Committee, AMCHAM and Chairman & Managing Director, Timken India recognized India’s improvement in ease of doing business, progression of infrastructure and digitalization. He touched upon supply chain disruptions over the last 2 years and noted the government’s shift as regulator to a facilitator of business. Mr. Mukul Varshney, Co-Chairman – Manufacturing Committee, AMCHAM and R1-Director – Corporate Affairs, Media and Communications India, Africa, SE Asia, Middle East, Asia Pacific, Region 1 – John Deere spoke about the electronic resource and e-waste policies. He mentioned that smart connected factories use electronic components to enhance their manufacturing capabilities, however there is a need to clarify classifications for electronic component usage.

Committee members shared inputs and concerns around the implementation of the wage code, impact of rising commodity costs, changing SEZ rules, Production Linked Incentive (PLI) Scheme, semiconductor ecosystem, plastic waste management, anti-dumping, AEO status, HSN codes, difficulty for investors to find the right land in India and supporting start-ups, among other topics. It was decided to prepare a more detailed whitepaper on the challenges and successes of PLI scheme to share with the government and for the committee to learn more about the end products members manufacture. AMCHAM reiterated the commitment to take up company specific challenges that members face.