
Past Events

Karnataka Chapter CEO Breakfast Series – New Business Models in Water as part of ‘Water Matters’ – 18th October 2019

AMCHAM’ Karnataka Chapter hosted the 7th edition of the monthly CEO breakfast mornings on October 18th, in partnership with the U.S. Consulate Chennai as part of the series titled ‘Water Matters.’ Water Matters is a collaborative project of the U.S. Consulate General Chennai, Care Earth Trust, the Smithsonian Institute and the Science Gallery, Bengaluru. The project aims to utilize different mediums to educate, advocate and support South India in addressing water challenges.

As part of the project, a session was held exclusively for AMCHAM member companies in Bengaluru where eminent speakers, Dr. Sudhir Murthy CEO, NewHub and Mr. Mehul Patel, Executive Director Operations, Orange County Water District, addressed the need for large corporations to develop fundamentally new approaches for transactions in water within operations, engineering and finance, thus meeting water quality targets. The session focussed on more intelligent approaches to directly connect water management practice to prosperity and was a futuristic view presented to businesses operating in Bengaluru. The event was well attended with representation from companies like U.S. Technology Solutions, IBM, Accenture, Nike, GE and others.