
Past Events

Interactive Session on U.S.-India Relations Under the Biden Administration with Ambassador Frank Wisner, International Affairs Advisor, Squire Patton Boggs – 18 February 2021

AMCHAM organized an interactive session on U.S.-India relations under the Biden administration with Ambassador Frank Wisner, International Affairs Advisor, Squire Patton Boggs on February 18th. Mr. Ranjana Khanna, Director General CEO, AMCHAM gave a warm welcome to members and introduced the speaker. As a founding father of AMCHAM and a stalwart in U.S.-India matters, Ambassador Wisner, gave an overview of the dynamic deep-rooted relationship between both countries. He shared insights on the relationships the U.S. has with India’s neighboring countries, competitive economies, trade and security. He talked about the very active and political Indian diaspora in the states. AMCHAM’s National Executive Board (NEB) members were able to interact and reminisce with him. In the Q&A portion he fielded questions on immigration, global summits and the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue. Ambassador Wisner provided an optimistic outlook for continued movement from strength to strength in the U.S.-India partnership. The NEB members that participated included: Mr. Salil Gupte, Chairman, AMCHAM, Mr. Sanjay Koul, Vice Chairman, AMCHAM, Mr. Atul Dhawan, Honorary Secretary and Treasurer, AMCHAM, Mr. Prakash Bodla, Chairman – Hyderabad Chapter, AMCHAM Mr. Ranji Dua, and Mr. Sanjay Bhutani.