
Past Events

Energy Innovation Reception in partnership with CSIS – 1st November 2017

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) has partnered with the Government of India’s Ministry of New & Renewable Energy and the Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation, to inaugurate the first workshop of the U.S.-India State and Urban Initiative with an evening reception focused on energy innovation. On 1st November 2017, a reception at the Roosevelt House, U.S. Embassy, supported by AMCHAM, Azure Power, Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation and Tata Power, brought together key U.S. states, universities and research institutions with their Indian counterparts to highlight the various development initiatives and solutions-oriented innovations that are being undertaken.

Opening remarks were made by Charge D’Affaires MaryKay Carlson, U.S. Embassy. Mr. Anand Kumar, Secretary, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, GOI, gave remarks as well as Mr. Richard M. Rossow, Senior Advisor and Wadhwani Chair in U.S.-India Policy Studies, CSIS, and Mr. Krishan Dhawan, CEO, Shakti Sustainable Energy Foundation.