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HP India


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Head Policy & Strategy
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Electronics Manufacturing Committee

To position India as a global hub for electronic component manufacturing, major investments from global players as well as Indian companies and SMEs is the urgent need of the hour. In 2019, the Union Cabinet gave its approval to the National Policy on Electronics 2019 which envisions positioning India as a global hub for Electronics System Design and Manufacturing. The schemes to promote electronics manufacturing combined with the Prime Minister’s call for an ‘Atmanirbhar Bharat’, have rejuvenated hopes of a rise of the indigenous electronics industry, allowing India to be truly self-sufficient. Against this backdrop, AMCHAM realises the importance of Electronics Manufacturing sector in India and is creating a committee to address the issues faced by US companies in India and to work with GOI on supporting their plans and growth of the sector with the help of US Industry in India. Thereby AMCHAM has initiated a new Electronics Manufacturing Committee at the National level.