
Past Events

Eastern Region Session on Decoding of the Union Budget 2022-23 – 02 February 2022

AMCHAM’s Eastern Region organized a virtual interactive session on the Union Budget 2022-23 on February 2nd. Ms. Amada Kidwai, Regional Director – Eastern Region, AMCHAM welcomed members and introduced the speakers. Mr. Gulshan Sachdev, Chairman – Eastern Region, AMCHAM and Managing Director, Quaker Chemical, gave the inaugural remarks and Mr. Joydeep Datta Gupta, Vice Chairman – Eastern Region, AMCHAM and Partner, Deloitte Touché Tohmatsu India LLP, gave the concluding remarks. The panellists were Professor (Dr.) Suman Mukherjee, economist, consultant and global speaker, Mr. Kaushik Mukerjee, Regional Managing Partner – East, Price Waterhouse Co. LLP, Mr. Gopal Agarwal, Tax Partner, Price Waterhouse Co. LLP and Mr. Kapil Basu, Director, Tax & Regulatory Services, Price WaterhouseCoopers Private Limited.
Mr. Kaushik Mukherjee set the tone by giving an overview of the budget covering the four pillars that the Union Government had focused on to hoist growth. Professor Suman Mukerjee spoke on the macro-economic impact and its relevance in achieving the pillars of the budget proposals for 2022-23. Mr. Kapil Basu analyzed the impact on indirect tax and regulatory services and Mr. Gopal Agarwal gave an overview of the direct tax and its impact.