
Past Events

Eastern Region Members Meet– 1st November 2018

AMCHAM’s Eastern Region organized a members meet on November 1st, 2018. The meeting was to enable members to interact with each other in an informal setting and to discuss any issues they may be facing. Mr. Debdas Sen, Chairman – Eastern Region, AMCHAM, spoke about the structure of AMCHAM and discussed the value proposition that AMCHAM brings to its members with special reference to the east and Kolkata. He updated members on the various events held and the upcoming events. He also invited members to come forward to participate actively. He invited some of the past Presidents to speak about their views and discuss challenges faced, if any, by their organizations and the way forward. Mr. Gulshan Sachdev, spoke about his organization’s experience and the value he received from AMCHAM. He also invited members to actively participate in AMCHAM events. Mr. Dinesh Agarwal and Mr. K.P. Sengupta also spoke on the value of the chamber. Mr. Prasenjit Gupta, Political & Economic Officer of the U.S. Consulate attended the meeting along with Mr. Jonathan Ward, Principal Commercial Officer at the U.S. Consulate. Mr. Ward updated members on some of the U.S. government policies and mentioned that he would be departing India for his onward assignment shortly.