
Past Events

Defense Committee Meeting – 27 September 2023

On 27th September, members of AMCHAM’s Defense Committee convened at the Boeing office in New Delhi. Ms. Udaya Arun, Director, AMCHAM welcomed participants and laid down the agenda. Mr. Alain Garcia, Chairman – Defense Committee, AMCHAM and Vice President, Global Business Development – India, Boeing Defense, Space and Security, The Boeing Company shared a brief overview of the past interactions the committee had with senior leaderships in both governments including interactions with Joint Secretary Vishwesh Negi, Joint Secretary Anurag Bajpai and Joint Secretary Satyajit Mohanty, Ministry of Defence, Government of India and Ms. Heidi Shyu, Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (R&E), U.S. Department of Defense. Mr. Samit Ray, Co-Chairman – Defense Committee, AMCHAM and Deputy Vice President Government Affairs & Public Policy, RTX reenforced his views on the need to collaborate with other associations during high level delegation visits. Ms. Arun briefly shared an update with members on the capability deck and the platform for its release with Defense Secretary Giridhar Aramane in the coming weeks. Members shared updates on DefExpo 2024 and its potential dates and venue that their offices were tracking. Mr. Nilesh Christian, Deputy Chief, Office of Defense Cooperation, U.S. Embassy also shared prospective dates and venue that the Embassy was tracking regarding DefExpo 2024.