
Past Events

Cyber Security Committee Meeting – 11th September 2017

AMCHAM’s Cyber Security Committee’s first meeting was held on September 11th, 2017 at the American Center. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Deepak Maheshwari, Chairman of the Cyber Security Committee and was well attended with support from the U.S. Embassy and the Commerce Department.

It was decided that the committee would create a roadmap for the next 18 months focused on:

  • Government to government bilateral framework
  • Data protection
  • Critical infrastructure protection
  • Internet of things
  • Standards and best practices

Members would send in their inputs before September 25th, 2017 for consolidation and presentation of a position paper to the government. Both the Commerce Department and the U.S. Embassy reiterated that cyber security would be a major thrust area in the G2G bilaterals.

A brief discussion was held on the upcoming roundtable conference on ‘Securing Digital India’ on October 10th. The Department of Commerce would be working on inviting an expert from Washington. A knowledge paper on ‘Securing Digital India’ would be prepared in partnership with Deloitte. The senior officials from the DoC and State Department would be available for video conferencing/con-call for follow-up.