
Past Events

CSR Committee Meeting – 18 January 2022

On January 18th, AMCHAM’s CSR Committee met for the first time in 2021-22 under the leadership of Mr. Harish Krishnan, Chairman – CSR Committee, AMCHAM and Managing Director, Public Affairs & Strategic Engagements, Cisco India & SAARC, Cisco Systems (India) and Mr. Ankur Malhotra, Co-Chairman – CSR Committee, AMCHAM and Head, Corporate Affairs & CSR, Hewlett Packard Enterprise India. Ms. Valerie Swope, Program Coordinator, AMCHAM welcomed participants and gave an overview of the most recent activities of the CSR Committee at the end of 2021. Mr. Harish Krishnan set the tone for the meeting highlighting the purpose of the committee as sharing best practices, discussing problems/challenges and looking for ways to collaborate in CSR. Mr. Ankur Malhotra emphasized that the world has changed and how we should continue going forward with the pandemic as a constant companion. He suggested focusing on some non-COVID areas as well.

The 30 participants introduced themselves and shared updates, focus areas and experiences on their projects and companies. The current Omicron wave and challenges faced were discussed. It was decided to create a small interest group to explore opportunities to support genome sequencing. The committee decided to work on creating a compendium of CSR activities of members that would serve as a helpful resource for collaboration and greater impact. Members provided inputs on topics for the upcoming 5th CSR Conference: Capacity Building in the CSR Ecosystem, such as government as a scale partner, transparency in procurement and best practices for onboarding NGOs, among others. Dates for the conference were not yet finalized..