
Past Events

Briefing Session for Medical Devices Committee with U.S. Embassy Official – 18th July 2018

A small group of AMCHAM members from the Medical Devices Committee met with U.S. Embassy officials under the Chairmanship of Mr. Prabal Chakraborty, Chairman – Medical Devices Committee, AMCHAM and Vice President and Managing Director, Boston Scientific India. The purpose of the meeting was to brief the Embassy officials on key issues of the medical devices industry and seek their support for resolution of the same. AMCHAM also requested for a quarterly interaction between members and the Embassy officials.

Key topics of discussion included trade margin rationalization, pricing and regulatory challenges. Other members present included Mr. Vibhav Garg, Vice President, GE, Mr. Amit Kumar Singh, Director – Government Affairs, India Medtronic and Mr. Vivek Malhotra, Manager, Regulatory Affairs, Stryker. Officials from the Embassy included Ms. Aileen Nandi, Acting Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs, Mr. Gregory Taevs, Commercial Consul, Mr. Chad Norberg, Trade and Technology Unit Chief, Mr. Darrel Ching, Principal Commercial Officer, Dr. Vid Nukala, Senior Advisor, Biomedical Science & Technology and Health, Ms. Shilpi Jha, USPTO, Ms. Bhavna Vishwakarma, Sr. Commercial Specialist and Ms. Parul Dedeja, Commercial Specialist. From AMCHAM, Mr. Gaurav Mendiratta joined the meeting.