
Past Events

AMCHAM-USISPF Roundtable Discussion with Under Secretary, Mr. Ted McKinney, U.S. Department of Agriculture – 3rd November 2017

A roundtable was organized with Under Secretary, Mr. Ted McKinney, U.S. Department of Agriculture, along with USISPF on 3rd November 2017. Mr. Ramesh Chand, Member, NITI Aayog, Mr. P K Swain, Joint Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture, GOI, Mr. Scott Sindelar, Minister Counselor for Agricultural Affairs, U.S. Embassy and Ms. Marianne McElroy, Assistant Deputy Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service, Office of Trade Programs, USDA, were also present.

During welcome remarks, AMCHAM stressed the need for building partnerships and shared the whole range of member company engagement in agriculture and food sector, supply chains, eco systems and R&D for seeds and crop protection, etc.

The India Government, in consultation with states, is rolling out the Contract Farming Act with reforms like direct sale by farmers to consumers and private players, single trade license and single point levy of taxes expanding the scope of doing business. Scaling of the e-National Agriculture Market on pan India basis was emphasized. The Government of India representatives shared the financial incentives offered in argi-processing parks and cold chain/value chains. It was suggested a working group be constituted under the trade policy forum to address all agri-related issues.

It was proposed to have working integrated solutions in India utilizing the latest U.S. technology for the farming community and food processing industry, introduction of high yielding varieties, and imparting training to farmers to improve skills and knowledge. This would lead to an increase in agriculture productivity and farmer’s income.