
Past Events

The Science of Safety – Building & Public Safety in partnership with 3M – 15 December 2020

AMCHAM’s Karnataka Chapter, in partnership with 3M, hosted the third webinar of a 3 part series with subject matter experts from 3M on ‘The Science of Safety – Building & Public Safety’ on December 15th. The pandemic has brought to light the importance of safety and health in our organizations and public spaces. Safety at any workplace starts with work areas, identifying and preventing elements of risk. Understanding preventive safety measures like anticipating fire, spills, breakage, accidents, etc. are sustainable ways to ensure the safety of building premises and public spaces. Communicating safety measures effectively also ensures that safety messages are always top of mind. The science of safety seminar was a blend of preventive safety and safety communication. The session focused on navigation and safety applications, way finding and environmental graphics, social distancing at building premises and safety solutions at building premises. The speakers were Mr. Ashish Agarwal, Technical Manager Traffic Safety Division and Mr. Sumit Joshi, Technical Specialist, 3M Asia. The session was very well received with participants from various AMCHAM member companies like Swagelok, Saggezza, Optum, Netapp and more.