
Past Events

Meeting with Mr. Drew Schufletowski, Minister Counselor for Economic, Environment, Science and Technology, U.S. Embassy​ – 21 June 2023

AMCHAM was invited to a sit-down lunch event with Mr. Drew Schufletowski, Honorary National Executive Board Member, AMCHAM and Minister Counselor for Economic, Environment, Science, and Technology, U.S. Embassy, on June 21st along with other attendees from USISPF, CII, IUSSSTF and IIT Delhi to discuss areas of collaboration between industry and research institutions in India to drive the iCET agenda. The discussion covered the relevant areas of defense, semiconductors, AI and quantum as well as the role Indian startups can play to make the best of the technology offerings from American companies. Mr. John Speaks, Deputy Minister Counselor for Economic, Environment, Science and Technology, U.S. Embassy and Ms. Ann Mason, First Secretary, Economic, Environment, Science, and Technology, U.S. Embassy assured continued monitoring of this extremely relevant partnership between U.S.-India to identify opportunities for collaboration and future prospects. Ms. Swati Samaddar, Director, AMCHAM participated in the discussions.