
Past Events

Karnataka Chapter Signature Event ‘The Indo – U.S. Partnership’ – 7th February 2018

AMCHAM’s Karnataka Chapter, hosted AMCHAM’ National Executive Board members led by Chairman, Mr. Pratyush Kumar, President, Boeing India, U.S. Embassy officials and members on Wednesday, February 7th, 2018, at the Leela Palace, Bengaluru. The evening started with a panel discussion on ‘Innovation in Manufacturing’ moderated by Mr. Sanjay Koul, Chairman – Manufacturing Committee, AMCHAM and Chairman & Managing Director, Timken India Ltd. with Mr. Munesh Makhija, Managing Director, GE India Technology Center and Mr. Lakshminarayan.

This was followed by a scintillating presentation by Mr. Biren Ghose, Country Head, Technicolor India, about the Hollywood-Bengaluru connection. The keynote speaker was Mr. Azim Premji, Chairman Wipro Limited, who mentioned his years of experience with Indo-U.S. relations. Consul General Robert Burgess from the U.S. Consulate, Chennai, also addressed the audience. The event ended with cocktails and dinner. The platinum sponsors for the evening were Fragomen Immigration Services and RMZ Corp.