
Past Events

Interaction with Ms. Ellen Lord, Under Secretary of Defense (Acquisition & Sustainment), U.S. Department of Defense – 24th October 2019

AMCHAM’s Defense Committee members met with Ms. Ellen Lord, Under Secretary Defense, U.S. Department of Defense for an interaction on October 24th prior to the 9th U.S.-India Defence Technologies and Trade Initiative (DTTI) group meeting. It was encouraging to hear the commitment from the U.S. to strengthen its partnership with India while furthering military-to-military relationships and cooperation and the level of excitement on the prospects of the bilateral defense trade between the two countries expected to reach USD 18 billion by the year end from zero in 2008. The Strategic Trade Authority-1 status granted by the U.S. government helps U.S. companies to export a greater range of dual-use and high end technology items to India while providing India with greater supply chain efficiency leading to advancing the shared vision for the Indo-Pacific with defense rightfully becoming the most important segment of the U.S.-India business partnership. Ms. Ranjana Khanna, Director General CEO, AMCHAM, opened up the session followed by comments from Mr. Phil Shaw, Chairman, AMCHAM and National Executive, Lockheed Martin India. The opening remarks were given by Mr. Michael Koch, Chairman – Defense Committee, AMCHAM and Vice President – India, Boeing Defense, Space and Security, followed by special remarks from USD Lord, while the summing up of the session and closing remarks were given by Mr. Nik Khanna, Co-Chairman – Defense Committee, AMCHAM and Managing Director – India, BAE Systems.