
Past Events

Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance Core Committee Meeting – 24th April 2020

On April 24th, AMCHAM’s Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance Core Committee organized the first meeting for the year 2020-2021 over a video call. Ms. Tanya Paul, Communication Director, AMCHAM and Ms. Komple Sharma, Manager, AMCHAM, welcomed participants. Mr. Gaurav Ajmani, Chairman – Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance Committee, AMCHAM and Associate General Counsel: Business Conduct & Ethics, Amazon Seller Services (P) Ltd and Ms. Bhawna A. Ranganadhan, Co- Chairperson – Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance Committee, AMCHAM and Vice President, Legal and Compliance, Genpact moderated the meeting.

The committee discussed the impact of COVID-19 on compliance processes and procedures and their best practices during these stressing times. They also discussed the way ahead and expectations in the coming months. The committee noted that the environment has become more dynamic and interaction with government authorities has increased manifold particularly in operational issues and manpower management. The committee also decided upon having a virtual Anti-Corruption & FCPA Compliance Masterclass this year. The meeting concluded with closing remarks from AMCHAM thanking members for their valuable inputs.