
Past Events

Eastern Region Interactive Session with Dr. Amrita Ganguly, Executive Director, Deloitte India on Environment, Social and Governance – 20 July 2022

On July 20th, AMCHAM’s Eastern Region organized an interactive session at the Hyatt Regency on environment, social and government (ESG) with guest speaker Dr. Amrita Ganguly, Executive Director, Deloitte India. Ms. Amada Kidwai, Regional Director – Eastern Region, AMCHAM introduced the speakers and Mr. Atanu Mukherjee, Chairman – Eastern Region, AMCHAM gave a welcome address. Dr. Ganguly spoke about sustainability, gave an overview of ESG and highlighted several aspects of the ever-evolving ESG landscape. Covering recent climate change events around the world, she touched upon how the present ESG landscape has been shaped by drivers like government legislations, investors, activists, academia and consumer preferences. She focused on ESG as more then something companies do; it is everything they do, and how they do it. The low carbon transition of the global economy is being led by innovation, green investments, decarbonization targets, and adoption of a longer term economic and equitable value proposition for companies. She highlighted how ESG issues were first mentioned in the 2006 United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) report, requiring for the first time that ESG criteria be incorporated in the financial evaluations of companies. She also spoke about how ESG helps to outperform smart investors who believe responsible companies create greater value for shareholders. Over 50% of the world’s largest institutional investors are already including extra‐financial criteria related to governance, business ethics, environmental risk, community relations or cultural diversity. Mr. Joydeep Datta Gupta, Eastern Region Executive Committee Member, AMCHAM gave the concluding