
Past Events

ICT Committee Meeting – 9th December 2019

The 2nd meeting for AMCHAM’s Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Committee was commenced on December 9th in New Delhi. It was chaired by Mr. Rob Garverick, Honorary USG Chair – ICT Committee, AMCHAM and Minister Counselor for Economic, Environment, Science and Technology Affairs, U.S. Embassy, Mr. Naveen Tandon, Co-Chairman – ICT Committee, AMCHAM and Mr. Vivek Vasishtha, Co-Chair – ICT Committee, AMCHAM. Members unanimously decided to write a letter to the PMO for the upcoming Personal Data protection bill asking the government to make the draft available to industry and a stakeholder consultation.

To get views on the same it was decided a letter to Additional Secretary of PMO, Mr. Arvind Kumar Sharma, be submitted. It was also decided that the Government of India meeting with Meity should be fast tracked for issues wrt National Digital Communications Policy, TRAI Guidelines, digital taxation, intermediary guidelines etc. AMCHAM’s ICT Conclave scheduled for March was discussed where HPE showed keen interest to support AMCHAM. The secretariat would work, along with the members, to finalize topic and areas of deliberation.